Expo v49
jで起動できるJS debuggerにnetwork requestの情報も含まれるようになった
shift-mからの「Start React devtools」で起動できる
Expo.Debug Expo app on device or simulator, using Hermes
Experimental support for Fabric in expo-dev-client TypeScriptの推奨バージョンがあがった
Updated recommended TypeScript version to ^5.1.3
Remote debugging for JSC is disabled in Expo Go and expo-dev-client.
JSC remote debugging never worked particularly well compared to debugging with Hermes, and it has become unreliable over time. For more context, refer to this pull request to React Native, which will be included in their next release. よくわからん
Constants.manifest is deprecated; use Constants.expoConfig instead.
The manifest in an Expo app specifies the app’s assets (like its JavaScript) and configuration data (often fields from app.json). Previously, Constants.manifest was the way to access an app’s configuration data. With SDK 49, Constants.expoConfig replaces Constants.manifest for this purpose. Refer to expo.fyi/why-constants-expoconfig to learn more about this change.
Reanimated 3 drops support for the legacy Reanimated API.
If you depend on libraries that have not yet updated to the faster and more ergonomic new API, you may see errors related to this when you upgrade. Learn more.